Articles by Mx Qwerrrk

COMMANDO was created as an act of revisionist history: how would the world have been different if that specific cultural moment in the late 1990s that birthed nü metal and its then-ubiquitous musical toolbox had been used to dismantle homophobia, misogyny, racism/white supremacy, and heteropatriarchy rather than reinforce them? The self-titled debut album (Mar.4th) uses tools […]

Just A Taste, the debut EP from the drag-duo DJ-production team known as Jawbreakers (Kali Forni-Kate and Sabrina Babyslut), dishes out dance, pop, and tech house songs suitable for clubs and partygoers at home enjoying a late-night kiki. With songs like “This Is Dirty” and “Ciao Bella,” the EP reflects the group’s live DJ shows that emphasize […]

QWERRRKOUT TUESDAY just got a whole lot QTer… New queers featured every week! Tag us, take a pic of us and follow us on Instagram at QWERRRKOUT, and you too could be the next, featured QT! YOU BETTA QWERRRK! Oh…and don’t forget to get the BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW “Notorious P.I.G.” merch HERE!!! (Elizabeth’s pics via Instagram)
Elizabeth Crawford
Age: 22
Location: Newcastle, United Kingdom
“Boo! I’m Elizabeth Crawford, the Glamour Ghoul from the North […]

QWERRRKOUT TUESDAY just got a whole lot QTer… New queers featured every week! Tag us, take a pic of us and follow us on Instagram at QWERRRKOUT, and you too could be the next, featured QT! YOU BETTA QWERRRK! Oh…and don’t forget to get the BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW “Notorious P.I.G.” merch HERE!!! (Joan’s pics via Instagram)
Joan Dominic Rai
Age: 28
Location: Kolkata, India
“My blog is more about challenging gender norms […]

QWERRRKOUT TUESDAY just got a whole lot QTer… New queers featured every week! Tag us, take a pic of us and follow us on Instagram at QWERRRKOUT, and you too could be the next, featured QT! YOU BETTA QWERRRK! Oh…and don’t forget to get the BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW “Notorious P.I.G.” merch HERE!!! (Dakota Noot’s pics via Instagram)
Dakota Noot
Age: 28
Location: Los Angeles, California
“Dakota Noot is a Los Angeles-based artist […]

QWERRRKOUT TUESDAY just got a whole lot QTer… New queers featured every week! Tag us, take a pic of us and follow us on Instagram at QWERRRKOUT, and you too could be the next, featured QT! YOU BETTA QWERRRK! Oh…and don’t forget to get the BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW “Notorious P.I.G.” merch HERE!!! (Paulette Cherry’s pics via Instagram)
Paulette Cherry
Age: 36
Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom
“My drag is pure escapism from the […]